Paul Benson, Council President | Janesville City website
Paul Benson, Council President | Janesville City website
Many individuals will use “novelty fireworks devices” this season to celebrate Independence Day with family and friends. The following novelty devices are not considered fireworks in the City of Janesville and are legal to use:
Ground Fountains
Certain Smoke Effect Devices
Illegal fireworks are typically devices that leave the ground or explode, such as:
Aerial Shells
Bottle Rockets
Jumping Jacks
Roman Candles
Possessing or using fireworks is illegal without a valid permit in Wisconsin. The Janesville Police Department may issue citations to citizens possessing fireworks without a license.
The Janesville Fire Department reminds residents that novelty devices are legal but dangerous. For example, sparklers burn between 1,800 and 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Always read and follow all warning labels and instructions. Never allow children to handle, play with, or light any novelty device. Do not handle devices that did not ignite. Allow devices to cool overnight before disposing of them.
For more information about fireworks, contact the Janesville Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau at (608) 755-3056.