Russ Steeber | City of Janesville website
Russ Steeber | City of Janesville website
The City of Janesville has been working on an update to the City of Janesville Comprehensive Plan and will host a public open house showcasing elements of the draft Plan on Monday, October 16, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers (floor 4) of City Hall, 18 N. Jackson Street in downtown Janesville. The open house will provide an opportunity for all residents and interested parties to review the draft Comprehensive Plan update that has been prepared under the direction of the Steering Committee. The session will include a brief presentation and overview of the draft Plan beginning at 6:30 p.m. Maps illustrating future land use recommendations and a variety of other graphics will be on display. The Janesville Plan Commission and City Council will also hold separate public hearings on the draft Plan update. Anticipated dates: The Plan Commission will hold a public hearing at their November 6 meeting and the City Council will hold a public hearing on December 11.
City staff will be in attendance at the open house to answer questions and provide information regarding the draft Plan’s recommendations and policies. Prior to the meeting, the public can view the draft Comprehensive Plan Update at the Hedberg Public Library (316 S. Main St.), City Hall Clerk-Treasurer’s Office (18 N. Jackson St.) or on the City’s website:
Comment forms will be available at the meeting for anyone interested in providing feedback on the draft document. Comments can also be submitted via the City’s website at the link shown above. For questions, please contact the Planning Division at 608-755-3085.
Original source can be found here.