Monica Bonamego Chief Financial Officer | Blain’s Farm & Fleet
Monica Bonamego Chief Financial Officer | Blain’s Farm & Fleet
Trevor and the Blain’s Farm & Fleet crew explored the art of coffee-making at Whitewater Lake in southeastern Wisconsin for an episode of "Deeper Roots." They interviewed Ryan Rouse and Sheryl Rosa, founders of Nordskov Coffee, who were joined by their dog, John Denver.
Ryan and Sheryl, who previously worked on growing large companies in urban areas, returned to their small-town roots during the pandemic. It was there that Ryan began roasting coffee beans using a thrift store popcorn machine on their lakeside cabin's deck. This hobby eventually evolved into the coffee business they own today.
Ryan noted that they have applied business growth principles from their corporate experience to their own small business and have extended this approach to other local businesses as well.
The episode promises an engaging conversation about coffee and community spirit in "The Inside Wisconsin Show's Deeper Roots with Blain’s Farm & Fleet."